FIRST- I would like to praise the tiny baby jesus for sending me many blessings, including friends that were able to figure out the simplest blogging formatting system ever invented.
I'm proud of you JAX! And SARAH! (And you too, WEB- don't think I didn't see that you are working on a post!!!) For trying something new and giving us some great stuff on the f-bags blog. You are all MVPs in my book!!!
(Remember, the F stands for FUN you dirty minds out there!!!)
SECOND - Here is a slide I made tonight. I think you'll find that the headings and labels are self-explanatory and it requires no further introduction:

(Please NOTE: As with all these charts and photos on the blog, clicking on them will make them larger and easier to read.)
Before you get all, "OMG, Tracy... How did you have time to do this?!?" Take a look at the screen shot of the stopwatch on my iPhone which documents EXACTLY how long it took:
And allow me to add this pie chart to "break it down for you":
Mind you, this only took me a little over 18 minutes because, I was thoughtful about it, cared about the aesthetics, gave some consideration to not only how the chart would look, but also took the time to make the jokes funny. Please See Sarah M's post below... she is putting more time into her chart and I'm sure it will send all of us into fits of hysteria (when it is finally completed and posted) because she is taking additional time to "craft" the jokes to perfection, etc
Do you have any idea how many free apps there are out there for chart making?!?
These are just the first 3 I found
FOURTH- I would like to leave you with a little softball love... This is what summer is all about folks...
(click to embiggen)
(click to embiggen)
I included the second one even though the pics are pretty much the same b/c I like how the trooper with the head wound is kind of glancing over- the only parent in sight (not counting the one taking the photo) and also how the boys are sort of checking out each others' tiny little junk.
I'm downloading chart apps as we speak
ReplyDeleteMy kids' ass is on this post and all you can comment on is your app-searching antics? B. S.