Thursday, July 19, 2012

Today, Sarah sent a disturbing text message. A photo of a fork with a missing tine, and a caption of : "Ummmm, I guess I ate that".

How does something like that happen? Wouldn't you think she would notice chewing on something like that? The other day, my dog Beau vomited promptly after eating his dinner. What came up was perfectly in tact dog food that looked like it had literally been dumped out of his bowl and onto our carpet. Not to be wasted, he proceeded to prove to us that food tastes better the second time around. But the real lesson we learned here is that clearly, Beau did not chew his food. He was simply eating way too fast. Sarah, is this how you eat your lunch at work? If so, then I suggest you find a new place of employment, where you can actually take the time to chew your food and practice safe eating.

As for your fragmented fork, I've made a poster that you should hang up around your office.

Or maybe you should just use a metal fork from now on.


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