This is some serious nonsense... but if there is even the tiniest chance that making charts, graphs, and stupid T-shirt ideas could make us rich, then maybe we should turn our emails into a blog
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Things that make you go hmm....
For starters...let me start you with this...

Yes this subaru has a lovely bike rack. Does it need to be used to hold a toddlers bike?? Maybe some of you moms can answer this one. but it seemed as though they had ample room in the car to store this tiny bike and could have saved me the trouble of nearly swerving off the road to capture this pic.
Speaking of nearly swerving off the road to capture a pic..

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
It's Wednesday...
And check in- how is everyone?
Britt- are u getting amped up for sushi mania 2?!?
Jax- are u still fuming about the small number of comments from your last post? (I would be.)
Linds- are u still sanding every day?
Katy- have u accepted the invite to be an author on this blog yet?
Tara- are you still convinced that u will get amazing charts from your sister to post here during vacation?
Web... Sarah... Others...
Is this thing turned on???
I made a few charts last night, but they were totally non-sensical. I might still post them here anyway.
Friday, August 12, 2011
It's Part of the Hippocratic Oath...
Lab: "Your patient's lab results from 3:30 this afternoon are in. His blood sugar level is 2."
Katy: "Great, so he is probably dead. Now I'm gonna have to go to a wake."
Minutes of discussion on the inappropriate hilarity of the lab taking so long to get those vital results back.
Jackie: "Wait, why would you have to go to the wake?"
Katy: "It's part of the hippocratic oath."
Sarah: "That's just plain ridiculous..."
T-shirt that Katy will inevitably have to wear to the wake, showing her support of the family on behalf of vacationing medical professionals everywhere:
*Disclaimer: It is not likely that Katy's patient actually died, as he is a long-time sufferer of diabetes and should have had the common sense to recognize his plummeting blood sugar level and give himself an insulin shot
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Opps...I did it again!
Ok...I had to post something, this was getting borderline REDIC! First...instead of creating a T-shirt I did something even BETTER (only because I didn't know how to create one) and made a Banner, with clip art....BE "J". Second, you will see the graph that follows discussing the current outlook and productivity...
First Image:
Thursday, August 4, 2011
WTF? And no not the family
A chart on this topic is pending.....stay tuned