Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene is here

Things don't look so good for the blog, so I got out my crayons and drew this chart.


  1. Tracy - I'm confused by this chart (as much as I once again admire its creative simplicity).
    Are you implying that there was neither wind, nor rain, as explained by the lack of blue and yellow on the chart?
    Or are you implying that there was an equal amount of each, as illustrated by the green, which everyone knows to be a combination of blue and yellow?
    Please advise.

  2. yes. The later... all wind and all rain (=green).
    However, the take home message of the graph was really that I was bombed back into the dark ages.
    I had to download a "drawing app" to express how technologically trapped we were without power for 12 hours.

  3. The graph was not really about the rain or wind or weather, but mostly to show Tara that it doesn't take a genius to post to this blog...

  4. Whatever...Tara "likes" this app!!!!
